Monday 15 August 2016

An introduction of sorts

Once upon a time...

There was a man, and the man had children.  The man bought a lot of books to read to his children, some of which were good, and some of which were not.  However, the man soon realised that actually some of the books that he thought were good to start with became less enjoyable with repeat readings, and conversely some of the less good ones were actually more fun to read again and again.  So he sent his children off to bed and decided to write a blog about it.

Here Calvin's dad (from the medium-defining comic strip Calvin and Hobbes) enduring the same situation so many of us have been in... "what story do you want tonight?"  "This one!"  "Groan... not that one again...".  I'm sure that Hamster Huey and the Gooey Kablooie is a classic book, but sometimes books that ought to be just aren't that fun to read out loud to children.

So here I am and I'm going to write about books and how fun they are to read.  I have two children, two girls aged 4 and 2, so I have more than one test subject and sometimes the benefit of coming back to stories after a long time away from them!  I have both British and American heritage, but I live in the UK so most of these will be books that should be easily available - and relatively current - in the UK.

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